Business Has Been Hard
Here's what I think is going on - the modern knife market has been undergoing a bubble, and I think it's popped.
Why has it been so difficult?
A few different factors come into play here, and there are a lot more, but when I did a quick survey a couple months ago asking makers, vendors, and customers their thoughts, there were a lot of common trends.

The Strategy Of The Knife Making Business
Things were simpler back then. There were only a handful of full-time independent kitchen knife makers, where as now there are literally thousands.

Are Compound Uras Necessary On Single Bevel Knives?
It is SO much work. Making this knife is already difficult in itself, and doing a compound one adds to that complexity significantly more, for such a SUBTLE difference. Why is it even done?
How To Maintain Kitchen Knives
Maintaining and sharpening high-end kitchen cutlery is important, but doesn't have to be difficult.

A Student Asked Me About Pricing
This is the question of the century, because there is no one single right answer. It depends on so many variables.